Western Law

The emperor Constantine first legalized Christianity in 313 in the edict of Milan; this decree by Constantine allowed liberty to worship no matter gods they wished. There isn’t any law whatsoever however may be allotted with by the Supreme Law-giver; because the laws of God may be disbursed with by God himself; because it appears by God’s command to Abraham, to offer up his son Isaac: so likewise the law of man may be distributed with by the legislator, for a law may either be too vast or too slender, and there could also be many instances which can be out of the conveniences which did induce the law to be made; for it is impossible for the wisest lawmaker to foresee all the instances which may be, or are to be remedied, and due to this fact there have to be a power somewhere, capable of dispense with these laws.

It seems to me that this is theoretically proper, for whatever the question under dialogue — whether religious, philosophical, political, or financial; whether it concerns prosperity, morality, equality, proper, justice, progress, responsibility, cooperation, property, labor, commerce, capital, wages, taxes, population, finance, or government — at no matter level on the scientific horizon I begin my researches, I invariably reach this one conclusion: The solution to the issues of human relationships is to be found in liberty.

The whole drift of our law is towards absolutely the prohibition of all ideas that diverge within the slightest from the accepted platitudes, and behind that drift of law there’s a way more potent drive of growing customized, and beneath that custom there is a national philosophy which erects conformity into the noblest of virtues and the free functioning of persona into a capital crime towards society.

However however, think about that this deadly precept has been introduced: Underneath the pretense of organization, regulation, protection, or encouragement, the law takes property from one individual and gives it to a different; the law takes the wealth of all and gives it to some — whether farmers, producers, ship homeowners, artists, or comedians.

Republics abound in young civilians who imagine that the laws make the city, that grave modifications of the policy and modes of dwelling and employments of the population, that commerce, education and faith may be voted in or out; and that any measure, although it were absurd, may be imposed on a people if only you can get ample voices to make it a law.